From 12th to 15th September in Turkey will take place the next stage of the World Rally Championship (WRC), where Motorsport Italia will assist the italians Fabio Andolfi and Emanuele Inglesi, the brasilian duo Paulo Nobre and Gabriel Morales, and the portuguese Diogo Salvi with his co-driver Hugo Magalhaes.

Rome, 11th September 2019. The 2019 edition of Rally Turkey, eleventh event of WRC, will start officially in Marmaris town with a Special Stage scheduled for tomorrow night at 8.00 pm. At the start three crews of Motorsport Italia competing in WRC2 will drive Skoda Fabia R5 cars on Pirelli tyres. The pair Fabio Andolfi and Emanuele Inglesi will race with the number 42, in Aci Team Italia colours.
Andolfi, will try to bounce back with Emanuele Inglesi after the unlucky away game in Germany that has cost Simone Scattolin a break from rallying.
A new WRC challenge for the brasilian duo formed by Paulo Nobre and Gabriel Morales, race number: 45. A well-established relationship, between the driver from Sao Paulo and the italian company led by Max Rendina, which this year made them protagonists even in ERC. Diogo Salvi, will be back in the Skoda Fabia R5 cockpit with the co-driver Hugo Magalahes, race number 47. He finished the 2018 edition of Rally Turkey at the 8th place in overall WRC2 standing.
The team of Motorsport Italia, during this turkish competition, will involve at full pace 25 people amongst them engineers, mechanics, chef, press officer and the other reliable members of the staff.
Bruno De Pianto, team manager, claimed: “Rally Turkey will end on 15th September after 17 Special Stages for a total of over 318 km of timed sections. Let me begin by thanking Motorsport Italia team for their hard work over the last weeks in ensuring Fabio Andolfi's participation! In Turkey the rally will be really hard for both the pre-rally hard work of our team and for the physical effort of drivers. I would like to officially welcome Emanuele Inglesi coming back with us after almost a year absence from WRC, and sending to Simone Scattolin a great big hug. He will follow from Italy the Rally Turkey because of the crash occured in Germany!”

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