A decidedly positive race for Michael Rendina who, at the 46th 1000 Miglia Rally held over the past weekend, finished in the top areas of the Rally4 and Under 25 class rankings at the end of a mature and constant performance.
At the wheel of the Peugeot 208 Rally4 managed by Sportec and navigated by Mario Pizzuti, Rendina Jr put together one of the best races of his season, which started with over 190 entrants, 25 in the Rally4 class in light of its validity as the sixth round of the Italian Absolute Rally Championship Sparco.
The experience of having raced on these special stages, albeit slightly different, also in 2022 and the fact of having worked on the notes already drawn up a year ago represented a sure advantage for Rendina who was thus able to quickly pick up the pace to try to stay in contact with the fastest drivers in the Two Wheel Drive series.
The Roman driver improved his pace constantly and also gained some personal satisfaction, such as fourth place among the participants in the Italian Two-Wheel Drive Championship on the inaugural Power Stage. At the end of the race, after over 100 timed kilometres, Rendina arrived at the finish line in Brescia with the awareness of having run a very positive race.
Michael Rendina:
“A truly beautiful race. I was surprised by our pace, I didn't expect to be so close to the leaders so I'm satisfied and I thank the team who did an excellent job, Mario always impeccable and everyone who supported us both in practice and from home. The 1000 Miglia Rally is a race with great tradition, we approached it with the right spirit and I found confirmation that working on the same race continuously for several years represents a certain wealth of experience. We leave Brescia with second place in the ACI Sport Under 25 Cup and look towards the next races on the calendar with optimism."
Ranking of the Italian Absolute Rally Championship ACI Sport Under 25 Cup: 1. Lucchesi pt. 49.5; 2. Rendina pt. 41; 3. Mabellini pt. 37.5; 4. Pesavento pt. 37; 5. Daprà pt. 30