The scope of Max Rendina's project is expanding. After SS Lazio Wheelchair Basketball, an important partnership also begins for indoor and beach handball.
Motorsport Italia announces the new partnership with ASD Handball & Beach Messina which has recently started the new 2023-2024 racing season.
The team founded in 2014 will have on its shirts the logo of Motorsport Italia, organizer of the Rally di Roma Capitale, which has been supporting sporting realities outside of motoring for several seasons. The Messina team began the new seasonal cycle after the summer which will see the first military team in the indoor men's handball Serie B with the athletic trainer Giuseppe Longo and the coach Tommaso d'Arrigo supported by Francesco Costarella.
It is a particularly fascinating and demanding discipline, with the tournament pitting 12 teams made up of athletes aged between 16 and 23, joined by Costarella himself, a veteran of the discipline, on the field to help the growth of the young promises of the Sicilian team.
Motorsport Italia has enthusiastically embraced the project of the ASD Handball & Beach Team Messina and will also support the team in the other collateral activities of the season such as all the indoor, youth, promotion and Under 17 handball commitments, up to the handball beach which the company engages during the summer months. In this particular discipline, Team Messina finished third in last year's Italian Championship with the women's squad, fourth in the men's championship which boasted the regional title.
“We are happy to be able to support the Handball & Beach Team Messina - commented Max Rendina - which allows Motorsport Italia to broaden its field of action in a discipline that I consider very fascinating and which won us over straight away. The passion and determination of all the company's staff has given us great optimism and we hope to be able to achieve important results together."
“We are very happy with the support and support of Motorsport Italia - added coach Tommaso d'Arrigo - this is an important opportunity for visibility for us as well as a further starting point to work as best as possible on the 2023/2024 season” .