The International Automobile Federation (FIA) has officially awarded the Rally di Roma Capitale the prestigious three-star recognition within the FIA Environmental Accreditation Programme. This exceptional result was achieved following the audition conducted during the event which took place last July.
This is the highest recognition that rewards events that demonstrate that they actively work towards the implementation and promotion of practices for environmental sustainability in motorsport. The Rally di Roma Capitale, conceived by Max Rendina and organized by Motorsport Italia, has thus written a page of history by being the only round of the FIA European Rally Championship to boast this prestigious title. A path that began several years ago which continues to raise attention for good environmental practices and which had already allowed the competition to obtain two stars.
One of the crucial aspects that confirmed this assignment, we read in the document, was the great attention of Motorsport Italia in putting into practice a shared effort for the protection and conservation of the historical heritage of the center of Rome from where the event took the start, right in the shadow of the Colosseum, thanks to the fundamental collaboration with the Major Events Office and with the Councilor for Major Events, Tourism and Sport of Rome Capital Alessandro Onorato.
The implementation of separate waste collection, the use of 100% hybrid or electric service cars in collaboration with Renault as Electric Car Partner of the Roma Capitale Rally, the drastic reduction of paper material, the use of certified recycled plastics, guaranteed electricity supply with the use of renewable sources are some of the other aspects that have allowed the Rally di Roma Capitale to obtain this crucial recognition.
Max Rendina, the tireless creator of the Rally di Roma Capitale, declared enthusiastically: "We are extremely proud to receive this recognition from the FIA for which we have worked so hard with the involvement of all our staff. It is the result of years of commitment to promoting sustainability in the world of rallying on which we will continue to lavish energy and attention. We want to ensure that our event continues to grow and contribute positively to the environment both directly and indirectly and this recognition is but a new starting point to raise the bar is raised further. This achievement also strengthens the role of the Rally di Roma Capitale in the context of environmental responsibility within international rally competitions".