Rally Argentina finished with a great 3td place for Paulo Nobre and Gabriel Morales on a Motorsport Italia Skoda R5.

After been second for 2 days of the rally the Brazilian crew has decided to don’t take any risks on the sunday stages and to get the 3td place in the final Ramp.

This is the first podium in WRC2 for a Brazilian crew.

During the last media zone Paulo and Gariel reflecting on the rally had a small time to say: “First of all we want to congratulate with the two crew that has finished 1st and 2nd. This rally has been very hard for all of us, our strategy since the beginning was to run all the stages and stay out of trouble! I’m SUPER happy for this podium that is my BEST RESULT in carrear in a WRC rally. I would like to thank my codriver KZ and all Motorsport Italia’s team for the fantastic car they have prepared for me.”

Bruno De Pianto, Motorsport Italia’s team Manager added: “Is great to see Paulo on a WRC2 Podium! He deserve this result and i think is the confirmation of the fantastic improvent he did in the last year. I want to thank you also KZ (Gabriel Morales) because he is always perfect on his job and he contributed a lot on this achievement, last but not list I have to say a BIG thank you to all Motorsport Italia’s Mechanics and Caju’s team witch has done a great work to deliver always a perfect car to Paulo.”

Now we are flying to Canarie for a tarmac ERC round and than back to Cile for another WRC2 Gravel event!

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