An important agreement has been signed for the television coverage of Motorsport Italia's 2021 sports season
Mediasport Group is pleased to formalize the achievement of an important visibility agreement with Motorsport Italia, the group coordinated by Max Rendina engaged both in the management of the sports program of the Italian Rally Junior Championship and of ACI Team Italia in rallies, and as organizer first of all with the Rally di Roma Capitale, an appointment valid both for the Italian top flight and, above all, for the FIA ​​ERC European Championship.
Thanks to this partnership, our group will create a specific format entitled “Motorsport Italia Racconta…” during the next 2021 season, which will analyze in detail all the activities of Motorsport Italia. On the one hand, the appointments will trace the history and balance sheets of the rounds in which the team crews will compete, on the other hand it will tell about the races and events organized by the group with the Rally di Roma Capitale and the new Rally Lirenas-Cassino-Pico. A path, or perhaps it would be more appropriate to talk about a special stage, which will also cover the new commitment of Andrea Mazzocchi and Fabio Andolfi in the Italian Rally Championship with the Skoda Fabia R5, but also that of the young talents who will take part in the Italian Rally Junior Championship. with the Ford Fiesta Rally 4. It also adds a special focus to the new collaboration with Armando Pontone, centaur engaged in the National Trophy 600, a series of the Italian Speed ​​Championship, which marks the debut of Motorsport Italia in the world of two wheels.
"Motorsport Italia Racconta ..." will thus allow even in time of Covid, which at least in the first part of the season will continue to prohibit if not limit access to events by fans, to follow the evolution of the Motorsport Italia commitment alongside ACI Sport and ACI Team Italia, thanks to the broadcasting of the episodes that will be guaranteed both on SKY, on the MS Motor TV channel, and on Digital Terrestrial on MS Sport. The important economic commitment sustained by the Roman sports structure has made it possible to study and work on an innovative, unprecedented and highly engaging format, with episodes that will be broadcast on the eve of each of the scheduled appointments. Special attention is dedicated to the Rally di Roma Capitale, which will be followed with an approach path during which the details of the event will be gradually revealed which, compared to the latest editions, will present considerable variations also at the level of the route.
The format will be presented in detail this evening, Monday 1 March, in a special episode of "Pianeta Rally" broadcast at 22:00 on MS Motor TV and at 24.00 on MS Sport, in which Enzo Cerrone will talk with Max Rendina, Bruno De Pianto and important guests, in outlining this new communication project that will expand the space dedicated to rallies on TV.
"The important work of the Mediasport Group networks, which currently manages two satellite channels included in the Italian package of Sky, nine regional Italian channels on Digital Terrestrial and three web TV programs 24/7 with a fully sports program dedicated to the green economy and electric mobility - commented Max Rendina - has allowed the group to stand out in the world of Italian motorsport with competence and professionalism, which is why we have decided to make use of this fundamental media collaboration that will bring a sure added value to our program in terms of visibility and dissemination ".
"We are very happy to be able to start such an important collaboration with Motorsport Italia, considerably expanding the work that we had already started in the past" says Roberto Brusati, Director of Mediasport Group "it is a company that represents an excellence in Italy and internationally. within the world of rallying and thanks to this agreement we will be able to further expand the visibility destined for this fantastic discipline of motorsport "
For broadcast times, reruns and all further information, you can consult the TV Guide section of the and sites.