Success among the challengers of the Tricolore Junior at the 68th Rallye Sanremo for Alessandro Casella and Rosario Siragusano on Ford Fiesta R4 curated by Motorsport Italia with Pirelli tires. Second overall Vita-Bosi, third Rosso-Ferrari.
In the first of the 2021 Italian Junior Rally Championship staged with 11 crews, all at the wheel of the Ford Fiesta Rally 4 managed by Motorsport Italia and fitted with Pirelli tires, the highest step of the podium went to Alessandro Casella together with Rosario Siragusano.
“We believed in it - said a happy Casella - the performance of our race was very satisfied, we immediately found ourselves at ease on the Ford Fiesta, known only during the tests. We took a good pace and then on the last time trial we attacked hard thanks to the effectiveness of the Pirelli tires. Our opponents were good and fast. It is a victory that gratifies us a lot. CVIR Junior has a very high level, we thank the federal instructors for their continued support ".
A good race that of the Under 27 squadron of ACI Team Italia which saw in the lead for most of the time Mattia Vita and Max Bosi who were the fastest in four of the eight scheduled tests. Finally, on the long 20 kilometers of the last special stage, the rider from Lucca was unable to bring his advantage to the end and must be satisfied with the second overall. Third position for Emanuele Rosso with Andrea Ferrari happy despite some brake problems encountered throughout the race. Fourth place for Riccardo Pederzani followed by the cars of Guglielmo De Nuzzo together with Andrea Colapietro, Marcel Porliod with Andre Perrin, and Andrea Piccardo with Luca Migone. Giorgio Cogni finished eighth, flanked as always by Gabriele Zanni, who started very strong and author of the scratch on test number 3, the Piacenza was then slowed down by a puncture on test number 5.
Bad luck hit two Junior crews: first Davide Porta, sailed by Segir, winner of the power stage on Saturday night. Unfortunately, today Porta had problems with the clutch that compromised the continuation of the race.Then, it was Roberto Daprà - winner of the Sparco Gaming Contest, which took place with Sparco's own simulators, on Saturday morning - navigated by Fabio Andrian, forced to to retire in today's fifth test due to a turbo problem.
The next round for the youngsters of CIR Junior will be in Sardinia for 2 the first stage of the Rally Italia Sardegna, 3-4 June.
FINAL RANKING: 1. Casella-Siragusano (Ford Fiesta Rally4) in 1: 05’32.4; 2. Vita-Bosi (Ford Fiesta Rally4) at 8.0; 3. Rosso-Ferrari (Ford Fiesta Rally4) at 50.4; 4. Pederzani-Pozzi (Ford Fiesta Rally4) at 1’31.1; 5. De Nuzzo-Colapietro (Ford Fiesta Rally4) at 1’39.5; 6. Porliod-Perrin (Ford Fiesta Rally4) at 2'58.2; 7. Piccardo-Migone (Ford Fiesta Rally4) at 3'13.8; 8. Cogni-Zanni (Ford Fiesta Rally4) at 3'29.1; 9. Lovati-Ciucci (Ford Fiesta Rally4) at 9'31.9.
CIR JUNIOR RANKING: Box 20 pt; Waist 16 pt; Red 14 pt; Pederzani 10 pt; De Nuzzo 8 pt; Cogni - Door 3 pt .; Lovati 1 pt