The surprises for the Rally di Roma Capitale 2021 do not end. The Capitoline event organized by Motorsport Italia led by Max Rendina, third round of the FIA ​​European Rally Championship and fifth of the Italian Rally Sparco Championship, announces an exclusive and extraordinary novelty for the edition next July 22-25.
In fact, the Baths of Caracalla, a stone's throw from the Colosseum and the Circus Maximus, will frame the unmissable show rehearsal that will inaugurate the rally action on Friday 23rd. A show of great scenic impact in the historic and legendary heart of the Eternal City, made possible thanks to the important collaboration of the Major Events Office of the Municipality of Rome, the Local Police Corps of Rome Capital, the Department of Sport and the ACI who did their utmost to ensure that this happening could become a reality . A work on which Motorsport Italia has focused its attention in recent weeks, designing a path that will guarantee the event a cover of absolute value without equal in Italy and in the world.
After the Square Colosseum at the EUR and Lido di Ostia, the two exclusive locations that in recent years have hosted the moments of greatest scenic impact within the Rally di Roma Capitale, for the first time the competitive show and not just the glamorous one of the parade will move to the center of Rome. After the departure from Castel Sant'Angelo at 19:00 and the parade through the streets of the center, the competitors will arrive in the Caracalla area where the green light of the SSS1 "Caracalla ACI Roma" will be given from Via San Balbina at 20. : 00. Timed section with a development of over 2 kilometers in a loop where the competitors will carry out two laps, this special stage will develop on a track de facto designed to go around the perimeter of the Baths of Caracalla, one of the symbolic monuments of the city, visited by millions of tourists every year.
Short but intense, the route will allow spectacular television footage that will be broadcast live by both Eurosport and ACI Sport as the starting moment of the event in an unparalleled context, also in light of the important sporting validity given that the special will be Power Stage for the Sparco Italian Rally Championship.
"This is a great satisfaction - commented Max Rendina - for all the staff of Motorsport Italia and the Rally di Roma Capitale. If last year we were the first international level race after the lockdown, this year we want to launch with this amazing special stage opening show a message of hope and a restart of our social life Being able to bring the adrenaline of the rally in the heart of Rome is a unique emotion and will guarantee visibility to the city, the event and the whole of Italy and an unprecedented media return. We are working day and night to finalize the details of this wonderful happening and I can assure right now that it will be something unprecedented ".