Thanks to the visionary drive of Max Rendina and his entire work group, thanks to the enthusiastic collaboration of Mediasport Group and a development plan of particular interest, Motorsport Italia announces the birth of Motorsport Italia TV, the new web and television channel, which will debut live on March 18th.
The new platform, created in synergy with the editorial staff of MS Motor TV and with the journalistic coordination of Enzo Cerrone, will report on all the initiatives, sporting events and competitive programs of Motorsport Italia during the 2022 season on a daily basis.
Max Rendina will have the opportunity to launch this important media initiative on February 15 and 17 during two very important press conferences to be held respectively at the headquarters of the Lazio Region in Rome and at the headquarters of the Lombardy Region in Milan. In these two moments during which Mediasport Group will announce another important project linked to the network, Motorsport Italia will announce the birth of the Motorsport Italia TV channel.
Within the broadcasts of the new channel, ACI Sport Italia sports programs in the Italian Absolute Rally Junior Championship, starting this year in partnership with Renault, will find space; the Rally di Roma Capitale which will bring the FIA ​​European Rally Championship back to Italy from 22 to 25 July; the Rally of Arezzo and Valtiberina valid for the Italian Rally Terrain Championship for the first time organized by the staff of Max Rendina; the Rally of Lazio and Cassino-Pico National Final ACI Sport Rally Cup 2022 and more. Each content will follow its own format that will allow you to follow the sporting activity of Motorsport Italia step by step.
“We have had this step in mind for a long time - commented Max Rendina - and thanks to the collaboration with Mediasport Group we were able to add an important element to our communication assets. The media aspect has always been a key factor in Motorsport Italia's activities since our primary goal is to bring people closer to motorsport and to bring motorsport to people. Motorsport Italia TV will be a new experiment, full of contents and insights to allow us first of all to share our passion for motorsport even more with an ever wider audience.