On March 12, at 17:00 in Cassino at the Cassino branch of the Banca Popolare del Cassinate in Corso della Repubblica, the press conference will be held to present the new sporting commitments of the pilot Armando Pontone. All the news of the next championship will be highlighted and the new suit and the new bike will be presented.
The new season is almost upon us and the countdown has long since started. Armando Pontone, fresh from winning the title of Italian champion of the SS600 National Trophy, does not intend to set himself limits and is ready to face a decidedly stimulating challenge. The rider, originally from Villa Santa Lucia, will race in the Civ Supersport 600 on the Yamaha R6 of the Bike & Motor Racing Team. A winning team does not change, with the aim of guaranteeing continuity to the brilliant performances achieved in the last sporting year.
The official presentation
The press conference for the official presentation of the upcoming adventure that awaits "Armanduk" will be held on 12 March at 17:00 in Cassino at the Banca Popolare del Cassinate. It will be the first appointment in which all the news of a championship that promises to be decidedly intense and full of emotions will be highlighted.
And the choice of location is not accidental:
"I can't wait for that day to arrive - the words of Pontone - because I will be lucky enough to present my new suit and the bike with which I will race at the Bpc headquarters. This really represents a source of enormous pride for me and I will try to repay the support of the Bank, together with that of the local companies that support me, giving my best on the track. I promise to give it my all, aware of the fact that having the help of such an important credit institution behind me will give me even more energy. Sure, the responsibilities will increase but I'm ready to take it on with confidence. It is to the Bpc family that I extend my heartfelt thanks. Thanks also to the people who are working alongside me in this challenging period. I repeat, I can't wait to present the new season ".
«We are truly honored to be able to host such an important event in our Cassino branch - says the President of BPC Vincenzo Formisano -. For some time our bank has supported Armando Pontone, a young man from our area who is a source of pride for all of us. We are proud to associate the name of our bank with a winner like Armando, but even more we are proud of what he represents, of his style and his example: a simple, humble, determined boy who has managed to cultivate his great passion and his talent with self-denial, sacrifice, constancy and that in his path he has achieved great results. We wish him the greatest success in the new sporting season that awaits him and for which he has been preparing for some time. We are proud of him and will continue to cheer him on: hosting the presentation of the bike in our bank is a way to show him our closeness and our affection ».
A difficult championship
Racing in the excellence of Italian motorcycling, of course, will require painstaking and impeccable work:
«The first official tests with my team began on March 4th - explained“ Pontonix ”- and we started to get serious. On a physical level, however, the preparation began some time ago. It will be a very tough championship, this is little but sure. At the same time, the goal I have is very clear: I intend to be competitive right from the start and fight for the positions that matter. "
An ambitious task that does not scare Pontone:
"The important aspect for me is focused on a specific element: humility. If I have managed to realize my dreams, conquering prestigious victories and competing with the top, it is only because I have always followed the high road of sacrifice. I learned, even when I fell, that working with my head down, nothing is impossible. And with this motto I am going to live another exciting season ".
Save the date, March 12:
Bpc and Armando Pontone, a winning combination from the beginning.