Michael Rendina will make his debut from 22 to 24 July in the FIA ​​European Rally Championship. The Roman driver, born in 2002, will face for the first time the Rally di Roma Capitale, the home race par excellence, valid for both the continental series and the Italian Absolute Rally Sparco Championship.
Rendina will be behind the wheel of a Renault Clio Rally5 managed by Motorsport Italia in all respects the same as those that animate the Italian Rally Junior Championship, but being entered in the European race he will not compete in the Junior, although he can compare himself with the drivers that this car l 'have already taken to the race in the first rallies of the season.
Navigated by the expert co-driver Mario Pizzuti, for many years in Max Rendina's right seat, Michael will find that union that continues from the last Rally Ronde of Sperlonga 2021 and which saw the crew successfully tackle the Rally Valle della Guardia, with the fifth overall, and the last Rallye Sanremo, the first CIAR race disputed by Rendina.
In Rome, in what will surely be the longest race ever run by the young son of art in terms of mileage, the goal will be to increase experience and understand the level against Italian and international rivals.
"I am particularly looking forward to starting the Rally di Roma Capitale - commented Rendina - even if I do not hide some healthy apprehension about this commitment. On the one hand, it is the home race during which I will be supported by many friends, acquaintances and family members, on the other it will be a long, tough, hot and very difficult rally. I can count on Mario's great experience and great determination to do well before this appointment. I am thrilled and I am sure that regardless of everything we will have fun ”.
“In a race with almost 190 kilometers of special stages and over 870 kilometers overall - concluded Michael - the management of performance will be fundamental. Pirelli tires will obviously have to be interpreted to prevent them from wearing out too quickly, especially on long tests, particularly on the Rocca di Cave-Subiaco of over 32 kilometers and on the Santopadre-Fontana Liri of over 29 kilometers. It will not be a walk in the park ".
The event will obviously experience its highlight on Friday 22 July, when from 7:00 pm the departure in the center of Rome at Castel Sant’Angelo will inflame the heart and soul of enthusiasts, tourists and onlookers. The cars will then travel along a walkway through the streets of the capital which will end at the Colosseum, with the first real special stage, the show “Colosseo ACI Roma”. The race will then be concentrated on Saturday and Sunday with another 12 special stages. Arrival in Fiuggi on Sunday starting from 17:00.
The SSS1 Colosseo ACI Roma will also be followed live on SKY Sport Arena (Channel 204 SKY), but there will be further information by ACI Sport TV, RAI Sport, Motorsport Italia TV and all local broadcasters.