A special collaboration distinguishes this year the tenth edition of the Rally di Roma Capitale, the one with the Peter Pan ODV Association committed to assisting, welcoming and supporting families and children who struggle with pediatric oncology pathologies.
A collaboration that comes from afar, given that Peter Pan ODV was close to Max Rendina in the years in which the creator of the Rally di Roma Capitale ran and won the titles in the World Championship and in the Italian Championship. The great human relationship that united sport with social commitment is back this year to become close and strong, and Motorsport Italia wanted Peter Pan ODV alongside the 10th Rally di Roma Capitale, donating an important amount to of the association and committing itself so that the tender becomes an important promotional vehicle able to guarantee donations and spontaneous contributions to Peter Pan ODV.
The association is involved in several ways, both within the Oncology and Hematology department of the Bambin Gesù Hospital, and with the management of several shelters for families and children before, during and after admission.
The President of the association, Roberto Mainiero, did not hide his great satisfaction for this proximity of Motorsport Italia, Max Rendina and the Rally di Roma Capitale. "Also this year it is a joy to know that Peter Pan's children are always in the heart of our dear friend Max Rendina and of the entire organization of the 10th Rally di Roma Capitale - he commented on the sidelines of the press conference in Campidoglio. - Thanks to the visibility they offer us, we want to thank the sponsors and the public who will decide to be by our side to support children with cancer who from all over the world come to Rome to be treated. For all the time of their therapies these families find free hospitality inside the Great House of Peter Pan. Together we can be part of their care! ".
"Our embrace to the Peter Pan Association - added Max Rendina - starts a long time ago and I am really happy to have them with us in this edition of the Rally di Roma Capitale. We have made a contribution and I hope that the world of motorsport and rally perceives this need with enthusiasm. We are one world, so many drops can do a lot ".
To know in detail the precious activities of the association and to leave a contribution, simply connect to the official website www.peterpanodv.it