An important performance for Max Rendina's son who, together with Mario Pizzuti, interprets a difficult race in the best possible way and finishes fifth in the numerous Rally5 class and among the drivers of the Italian Rally Junior Championship.
Satisfaction for Michael Rendina, fifth in the Rally5 Group at the end of the 45th Rally 1000 Miglia, the penultimate round of the Italian Sparco Absolute Rally Championship disputed by the Italian driver over the past weekend.
At the start with the Renault Clio Rally5 prepared by Motorsport Italia and bearing the effigies of Scuderia Gass Racing, Rendina Jr. concluded a particularly high level performance with the fifth in the Group, flanked by the expert Mario Pizzuti who perhaps more than other occasions was one of the essential elements to face this appointment with maturity and experience.
The 45th Rally 1000 Miglia in fact goes to the archive as a really tough race, marked by bad weather and a continuous change of conditions and grip that forced the competitors to make sudden tire choices and changes in driving rhythms to adapt the pace first. to showers then to drier situations.
In this real roulette, Rendina concluded with an excellent fifth place in the Rally5 Group out of 24 crews at the finish line, entering with personality among the drivers who are competing for the Italian Junior Rally Championship. Despite his fourth race with the Renault Clio Rally5 and with very little experience in the wet, perfected among other things in the predictable Rallye Sanremo, Rendina set valuable times always improving himself between the first and second lap and even coming close to the fourth. placed in the early stages.
It should be noted that just as he started to rain, on the PS3 "Irma", Rendina set the second best time in Group Rally5, demonstrating grit and determination in one of the most delicate phases of the entire rally.
"I'm happy - he commented at the end - it was a very demanding race, attention has always been at the maximum and I have to thank all the guys from Motorsport Italia and Mario who advised me and followed me with great professionalism in every phase. of the race. I liked the course a lot, I felt at ease and in the end a good result came out that certainly gives us great satisfaction. It was easy to make mistakes, but we managed to get the car to the finish line with an excellent result ”.