The Sicilian crew ACI Team Italia supported by CST Sport won the classification reserved for young people at the 40th Rally Due Valli and conquered the title on the Renault Clio Rally 5. Perfect strategy and excellent proof of character and sporting growth for the young driver from Piraino perfectly navigated by the pilot Pattese. A success experienced live with the images of ACI Sport TV
(Alessandro Casella Press Office release)
Alessandro Casella and Rosario Siragusano are Italian Rally Junior champions. The ACI Team Italia crew supported by CST Sport on the Renault Clio Rally 5 managed by Motorsport Italia accomplished the feat and brought the title to Sicily, with victory at the 40th Rally Due Valli, the Veronese race that completed the calendar of the Junior tricolor and of the Absolute Italian Rally Sparco Championship. The victory that earned the championship is added to those achieved in Sanremo and the Rally di Roma Capitale, all successes materialized in the most demanding races. The live broadcasts and continuous services guaranteed by ACI Sport TV amplified and immediately spread the news of the Sicilian crew's victory.
A victory sought and built with a careful and profitable conduct of the race that saw the young driver and the expert navigator stubbornly go back upstream after a start that kept the CST Sport duo away from excessive risks, but always well focused on the prestigious result which is worth several seasons of apprenticeship and investment.
The crew finished the first fraction of the race after three stages in 3rd place, despite the first scratch signed right on the third night time trial. First step towards the construction of an extraordinary success achieved with victory in three other stages: 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11. First in the standings at the finish line and with the shield on the chest. A decidedly high competitive tension with duels on the edge of tenths of a second and an alternation at the top of the standings that lasted until near the finish line that Casella - Siragusano crossed with an advantage of 11"9.
“Impossible to describe the happiness of the moment - exclaimed Alessandro Casella - the concentration and the will to achieve the result was certainly the trump card, combined with a car that allowed us to fight to the end. A race to the last breath against high-level opponents. Right now I feel immense gratitude towards ACI Team Italia, Pirelli support has always been decisive and the program developed with CST Sport has led us to this joy that I share with all the partners and with Rosario Siragusano, a true professional".
"We deserved it and a young talent like Alessandro deserved it - said Rosario Siragusano - concentration and determination were certainly fundamental, especially in such a tight and uncertain match right up to the end against really good opponents".